Monday, February 20, 2006

For many the sight of the setting sun is commonplace. Not for me, though. It has been years since I have seen the phenomenon.
All around the year I am engaged in my lowly-paid job that demands my presence either inside a concrete building whose windows are removed away from the working area. :(
Today, as I stepped out of my house for work, I saw one of the most amazing sights. On the horizon of a delicious orange sky was the huge ball of fire, probably four times the size of a football.
I stood two minutes gazing up at the dazzling display of beauty. Wistful!
But, the joy was shortlived.
I kept humming a tune in my head, as the 'Blueline' bus crawled along the road and stopped at one of the numerous (exactly eight) stops that punctuates the journey to office.
I saw a man dressed in immaculate white shirt sprouting blood from his nose and mouth. A small crowd of frantically gesticulating people had gathered around him. This is the first time that I have seen a real person in an accident.
The blood seemed real not like the red sauce like prop used to depict blood on TV.! Gosh! It was sickening.
The bus moved on and the passengers, all of them, sat in a hushed silence that was pregnant with emotion. Talk about happiness. As ephemeral as the daily newspaper. The casualties are different but the stories similar.
Wo/Man dies after being run over by a truch whose driver
was "allegedly" under the influence of alcohol.
Wo/Man seriously injured in hit and run incident.
Wo/Man dies as s/he is hit by a motorcyclist who had
jumped a redlight.
Life goes on with beautiful sunsets a mere memory for