Thursday, September 01, 2005
My hand itches to write, to speak my heart out
Trace my line of thought and transforme them into magic
Magical words that transport one into teh depth and heights of imagination
Soaring into space and beyond
My eyes well up with tears and heart turns heavy as I seek.....

The loyal taperecorder plays on....
Boys from the Backstreet fiil the room with words

Words and words are all i have to take your heart away..
Talk in everlasting words

Round, fat, small, cursive, fat, italised, big screaming hoardings
Black type that run onto your fingers after doing the Impact
Whitner smudges the blue ink, scores over a wrongly written word
Words that remind of
Love, being together, sibling fights, friends who uded to write, friends who never write,
and then
periods of no words, complete silence, deafening silence,
Excrucialting, worless, soundless world...

My heart longs for words,
Strength i draw,
Wisdom-obtain, happines-paint, Love-obtain, Faith-express, Joy-float
With them I
fly, float, touch , tread, monitor, chronicle, rant, rave, fight, howl, yell, inform, appoint, delegate, scoff, scorn, crib, praise, grin, laugh, cry, rhyme, prophesy....

How is it that when i love you so much,
You fail me,
Perhaps am not devoted enough,
Perhaps, I do not worship you enough,
Perhaps, you feel neglected,,,

Heart dont be faint,
All is not lost, yet

With practice,
With perseverance,
hard work

I shall conquer.....
posted by The Friendly Ghost at 1:02 AM |


At Fri Oct 07, 08:01:00 PM, Blogger Tony

That's a really great poem. Really touching. You ought to write more often.


At Mon Oct 10, 04:57:00 AM, Blogger The Friendly Ghost

Thank you Tony. I will surely heed the King of Blogland ;)
Thanks pal.