Tuesday, February 21, 2006

No!~ if you think my lunch resembled this, then you are dead wrong. Well not dead, perhaps oe quarter living.:)
Papaya curry, Pappadams, curd, rice, pickle can be quite a delight. All this in half an hour including kneading and making almost perfect chappatis. My culinary ego is on a high now. And, I made thick creamy awesomly delcious custard too!
Who says I can't cook?
posted by The Friendly Ghost at 12:30 PM | 3 comments
Monday, February 20, 2006
A world uncherished.
The future a question mark.
Eternal longings; Perennial searching
Ever seeking attention; A date with Death.
Constant striving to reach the stars; Unfulfilled dreams
Is there meaning to it all; Enid Blyto was kissed goodbye
Seeking, searching, eluding; Divine intercession; Faith unbound;
Unbridled enthusiasm Stolen moments; Lost childhood;Innocence slaughtered
Ties broken; Everlasting friendships; the world a broken rose-coloured glass
No future; no hope, none to turn towards; nobody to flee from; a torent of emotions
A repisotroy of courage; A herculean task; Meaningless rewards? A gift of language.
Stunted growth; Stifled dreams; choked ambitions; Bleak: Dismal: distraught
Preying; The dance of Death; Living in fear; Fettered Lifestyle.
Few fragments of raw courage; Loneliness; Despair; Drudgery;
Agony, Listlessness; Fear of Death;
Meaningless Life. Painted faces;
The Pantomime theatre
continues on and
posted by The Friendly Ghost at 9:31 PM | 0 comments

For many the sight of the setting sun is commonplace. Not for me, though. It has been years since I have seen the phenomenon.
All around the year I am engaged in my lowly-paid job that demands my presence either inside a concrete building whose windows are removed away from the working area. :(
Today, as I stepped out of my house for work, I saw one of the most amazing sights. On the horizon of a delicious orange sky was the huge ball of fire, probably four times the size of a football.
I stood two minutes gazing up at the dazzling display of beauty. Wistful!
But, the joy was shortlived.
I kept humming a tune in my head, as the 'Blueline' bus crawled along the road and stopped at one of the numerous (exactly eight) stops that punctuates the journey to office.
I saw a man dressed in immaculate white shirt sprouting blood from his nose and mouth. A small crowd of frantically gesticulating people had gathered around him. This is the first time that I have seen a real person in an accident.
The blood seemed real not like the red sauce like prop used to depict blood on TV.! Gosh! It was sickening.
The bus moved on and the passengers, all of them, sat in a hushed silence that was pregnant with emotion. Talk about happiness. As ephemeral as the daily newspaper. The casualties are different but the stories similar.
Wo/Man dies after being run over by a truch whose driver
was "allegedly" under the influence of alcohol.
Wo/Man seriously injured in hit and run incident.
Wo/Man dies as s/he is hit by a motorcyclist who had
jumped a redlight.
Life goes on with beautiful sunsets a mere memory for
posted by The Friendly Ghost at 12:25 PM | 0 comments
Thursday, February 16, 2006


I am lazy, the laziest
girl in the world. I sleep during
the day when I want to, 'til
my face is creased and swollen,
'til my lips are dry and hot. I
eat as I please: cookies and milk
after lunch, butter and sour cream
on my baked potato, foods that
slothful people eat, that turn
yellow and opaque beneath the skin.
Sometimes come dinnertime Sunday
I am still in my nightgown, the one
with the lace trim listing because
I have not mended it. Many days
I do not exercise, only
consider it, then rub my curdy
belly and lie down. Even
my poems are lazy. I use
syllabics instead of iambs,
prefer slant to the gong of full rhyme,
write briefly while others go
for pages. And yesterday,
for example, I did not work at all!
I got in my car and I drove
to factory outlet stores, purchased
stockings and panties and socks
with my father's money.

To think, in childhood I missed only
one day of school per year. I went
to ballet class four days a week
at four-forty-five and on
Saturdays, beginning always
with plie, ending with curtsy.
To think, I knew only industry,
the industry of my race
and of immigrants, the radio
tuned always to the station
that said, Line up your summer
job months in advance. Work hard
and do not shame your family,
who worked hard to give you what you have.
There is no sin but sloth. Burn
to a wick and keep moving.

I avoided sleep for years,
up at night replaying
evening news stories about
nearby jailbreaks, fat people
who ate fried chicken and woke up
dead. In sleep I am looking
for poems in the shape of open
V's of birds flying in formation,
or open arms saying, I forgive you, all

Elizabeth Alexander
posted by The Friendly Ghost at 10:59 PM | 0 comments
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Delhi on Feb 14 was agog with excitement and it would be understating it to say love was in the air. There was no way I could hope to catch a movie on telly or listening to FM without being innundated with syrupy sugary mushy sticky... eeky outpurings. Come to think of it even the news channels provided no solace. V DAY coverage was done with great deal of gung-ho.
You have the choice of TV with Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing and When Harry met Sally. No luck with the faithful radio either, it has been invaded too.
By now I am sinking in despair and am seriously contemplating getting medical help. Seriously there must be something wrong with me. My crime? Oh well I dont have that "special someone" I can't remember that "tingling sensation of the first kiss when you felt on top of the world as well as depressed both at the same time"
"You must experience that feeling of unconditional love, raves the supposedly know all psychatrist on the FM channel. Did i say something about medical help? Well I take it back right away.
Frankly, believe me I have nothing against the day. I fact I am a sucker for romance and simply adore the Romeo-Juliet --Laila-Majnu stories.
But the situation can get a lot depressing if you are expected to make a public display of your Valentine who would shower you with roses, chocolates and gifts. Perhaps you might call it a case of sour grapes. Yours truly is still single and currently not in any romantic relationship. (Did I hear an Aha!)
It is surprising aint it that Murphy with his law always manages to upset your plans. I was content to come to work as usual and labour away doing cosmetic surgeries, chisseling, pruning, remodelling stuff about other people. A colleague bullied me into exchganging my off with her and thus was stuck at home with nothing to do and nowhere to go.
The answer to my prayers was a witch! I got invited to spend an evening with a witch at a local popular book store here.
Well, she would keep at least a million broom's length away from the V word. No such luck! the witch was called by a popular bookstore to chant greek chants for the V day crowd and disperse love to them!
Stupid Cupid!
But I had fun. Was amused to see a lot of anxious people gheraoing the witch for answers to their love life. Donning a pale grey gown the witch with her crystals and rose bowls , athena and whatsay not recounted intresting tidbits about female power.
At the end of it all me too got a parchment (a quarter sheet of an A4 size recycled paper) in which she had drawn somesort of charm which promises to "help me get my soul mate" :)
So the sun has finally set on the D Day. And I am still alive. And, I got a parchment. Should i say Yipeee!!
posted by The Friendly Ghost at 9:07 AM | 0 comments