Sunday, August 06, 2006
Zen and the art of goodbyes

It seems I have finally mastered the art of saying goodbye without tears. For long I have battled this. I still cannot let go of people, partly the reason why you will find a reluctant tag in send-off parties.
The people who mean much to me, who are very dear, I hate to let them go. Howover obnoxious they might find me.
Much effort I put in but always ended up with red and watery eyes, blabbing away when the time came for departure. I just couldnt help it, couldn't succesfully mask the sadness.
And it came with its unwanted attendent problems, sympathy, concern and worst of all pity.
And now I managed to master it! Part of growing up.:-)
The trick is to focus on the happier moments, to think of icreams for instanse, let your mind wander and not let it rest on the leaving bit, talk nonsense and smile a lot. Believe me you, it works.
And saves a lot of explanations and talking and most of all unwanted attention.
And it does work.
I am the queen of stoicism.

Ps: Hm I realise i have done something wrong witht he blog. How come I cant see any of the headings in the gleaming green? Whats a post without a headline?
posted by The Friendly Ghost at 8:58 AM |


At Sun Aug 13, 09:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Believe me, I am kinda going through the same emotions this month